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Our Medical Services
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Our Medical Services
READ MOREMimply dummy text of the printing and typesetting Lorem
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Skilled Doctors & Nurses
We Have
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Skilled Doctors & Nurses
We Have
READ MOREOpening Hours
Monday – Friday (8.00 – 17.00)
Emergency Case
We Have Experienced Doctors
24/7 Hours Service
+ 88000 566677
Welcome To MediLink.
Central Hospital
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Our Medical Services
Choose the best for your health
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- Quality Doctors
- Professional Experts
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- 24/7 Opened
We are the trusted experts things simple
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We’re Setting the New
Standards in Medical Sector
Modern Technology
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Certified Doctors
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Success Of Treatment
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Specialist Doctors
Meet our team
Курьянов Денис Петрович
Врач рентгенолог. Кандидат медицинских наук. Ведущий специалист в области лучевой диагностики и магнитно- резонансной томографии.
Аверьянов Сергей Викторович
Врач рентгенолог, ортопед-травматолог. Ведущий специалист в области лучевой и магнитно-резонансной томографии.
Аглетдинов Ренат Ильдарович
Врач-рентгенолог высшей категории. Специалист лучевой и магнитно-резонансной томографии.
Нургалеев Ринат Галеевич
Врач рентгенолог. Кандидат медицинских наук. Ведущий специалист в области лучевой диагностики.
How it helps you stay Healthy
Working Process
Highest Quality
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Always Smiling
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Our Latest News
Your Medical Records are Safe now a days.
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Medical Records are Safe Your now a days
Fummy text of the prnting and type news seting industrs standard known prin aretertook a printing and typenews galley type.Ut…
Your Medical Records are Safe now a days.
Fummy text of the prnting and type news seting industrs standard known prin aretertook a printing and typenews galley type.Ut…